Private RIA Trust

 “Not only do we build you the solution…we bring you the business!”(sm)

FiPar has developed an innovative trust solution designed specifically for Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) called "Private RIA Trust".

RIAs can now make available a full suite of personal trust services without complex regulatory, organizational and operational infrastructure, financial risks, regulatory capitalization requirements, operating expense and broad-based skill requirements commonly associated with owning and operating one's own Independent Trust Company.

By our model eliminating expense, risk and hassle, RIAs can maintain focus on their core corporate objectives while diversifying their business lines to gain competitive market edge, grow assets and generate a new source of recurring revenue. 

Trust services allow RIAs to attract HNW, UHNW and Family Office legacy wealth relationships that might otherwise migrate to competitors, enabling them to fulfill an ever-growing demand among owners of discerning wealth to identify and fully utilize modern trust laws that afford them optimal control, flexibility, influence, privacy and security in growing, protecting, managing and transitioning legacy wealth.

Independent Professional Trust Counselors

Key element in our model is the integration of FiPar's trust business development specialists identified as "Independent Professional Trust Counselors" (IPTCs), typically representing qualified, experienced Senior Trust Officers, Trust & Estate Lawyers and CPAs, selected by and assigned to RIAs from our network of counselors, to conduct business development and provide client servicing.


IPTCs are recruited from within RIA local markets from all parts of the country to include industry-leading, multi-disciplined, multi-jurisdictional talented professionals. In addition, FiPar makes available several internal IPTCs of its own, listed below.


IPTCs utilize Estate Visualization BluePrint (sm) to serve as an essential tool in curating client information and data to create a simple, clear, dynamic visual representation of clients’ existing household profile, financial condition and estate plan.

The BluePrint includes clients' aggregated investment portfolios, business and legal entities, ownership interests, real estate holdings, private investments and insurance program as well as trusts and wills. IPTCs and RIA advisors, utilizing the powerful BluePrint as its guide, are empowered to analyze and offer their professional advice and counseling to motivate clients in creating strong and enduring generational trust and investment relationships while participating RIAs develop new and significant, predictable, recurring revenue streams. 


FiPar's innovative solution incorporates both corporate fiduciaries (select advisor-friendly Independent Trust Companies) and individuals (Independent Professional Trustees, trusted advisors, family members and, in select cases, RIA principals).

Mark Clemons

Independent Professional Trust Counselor

Michael Niemann

Independent Professional Trust Counselor

Dan Heinrichs

Independent Professional Trust Counselor

Mike Niemann

Independent Professional Trust Counselor

Brian Cohoon

Independent Professional Trust Counselor